The primary job of a game warden is to enforce wildlife laws and regulations.
Because game wardens are also peace officers, they are often subject to strict dress codes and guidelines when it comes to their appearances on behalf of the public.
Table of Contents
- Can Game Wardens Have Tattoos?
- Can Game Wardens Have Beards?
- Can Game Wardens Have Long Hair?
- Related Posts
Can Game Wardens Have Tattoos?
Game wardens, like many police officers, have a strict dress code when on duty. These dress codes restrict certain fashion styles and choices, such as hair length, hair color, piercings, and of course, tattoos.
Many of these tattoo restrictions stemmed from the desire to have a professional look and overall good representation in the public eye. As time goes on, however, more and more wildlife agencies are allowing their game wardens to have tattoos.
Some state wildlife agencies still have restrictions when it comes to tattoos.
For example, some departments will allow them as long they are not on the hands, neck, or face. Others will allow tattoos on the arms and legs but require that they are covered up while on duty.
Even in states that do allow tattoos, there are generally restrictions on what they can be.
Offensive or otherwise inappropriate tattoos are not allowed, even in areas that allow tattoos as part of the game warden uniform.
The perception of tattoos on public law enforcement has shifted over the years. 20 years ago, any visible tattoos were all but prohibited.
Today, many agencies, recruiting offices, and supervisors are becoming more lenient of tattoos as public opinion has shifted.
However, the decision ultimately comes down to each state agency and their respective dress code and appearance policies.
See Also: How Much Authority Does A Game Warden Have?
Can Game Wardens Have Beards?
Most game wardens are subject to strict dress codes for their jobs, and these guidelines will often cover hair color and length. In general, most places do not allow their game wardens to grow out their beards. In the places that do allow it, there are still some requirements in place.
For example, the state of Arizona allows its game wardens to have beards but they must be well kept and groomed. Other states have certain length requirements for beards.
Every state is different in what they allow and what they consider to be a look of professionalism.
As time goes by, more and more places are not only allowing tattoos but beards as well. Because beards and tattoos are becoming more and more popular, the public perception of professionalism is also shifting.
This has resulted in policies slowly changing to fit the current times and standards.
Can Game Wardens Have Long Hair?
The hair length of a game warden will fall under the same dress code and appearance policies as beards and tattoos. The purpose of these restrictions is to make their officers appear as professional as possible while serving the public.
In general, long hair is not allowed for game wardens. Most state wildlife agencies require that the hair must be cut short enough so that it does not fall over the collar of the shirt or over the ear when combed flat.
Part of this is to maintain a professional appearance, but it also has to do with safety. Having long hair, or a ponytail for example can be a liability when it comes to a fight (an assailant could easily grab it and gain control).
Times are changing, however, and it would not be surprising for some wildlife agencies to begin allowing longer hair. As more and more places begin to allow things such as tattoos and beards, longer hair lengths may not be very far behind the curve.
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